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About Cerita Kita

Cerita Kita Event Space is a place you can make your dreams come true. We provide a perfect place for all kind of events. Exclusive place with affordable price. Let's create memories because every event has their own story.


A Perfectionist on Every Detail

To create something exceptional, your minset must be relentlessly focused on the smallest detail


-Giorgio Armani-

Suziyanti Ngah



Turning a vision into reality

If you want to turn a vision inti reality, you have to give 100% and never stop believing in your dream


-Arnold Schwarzenegger-

Engku Rosli Engku Hasan



Making Dreams Come True

Dream beautiful dreams and then work to make those dreams come true


-Spencer W Kimball-

Engku Nurhusna Syuhada Engku Rosli

Manager & Co-Founder

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